Source code for petbox.dca.base

Decline Curve Models
Copyright © 2020 David S. Fulford

David S. Fulford
Derrick W. Turk

Created on August 5, 2019

import sys
from math import exp, expm1, log, log10, log1p, ceil as ceiling, floor
from functools import partial
from itertools import starmap
import warnings

import dataclasses as dc
from dataclasses import dataclass

import numpy as np
from numpy.random import RandomState

from scipy.special import expi as ei, gammainc  # type: ignore
from scipy.integrate import fixed_quad  # type: ignore

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import (TypeVar, Type, List, Dict, Tuple, Any, NoReturn,
                    Sequence, Iterable, Iterator, Optional, Callable, ClassVar, Union)
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from typing import cast

NDFloat = NDArray[np.float64]

DAYS_PER_MONTH = 365.25 / 12.0
DAYS_PER_YEAR = 365.25
LOG_EPSILON = log(sys.float_info.max)
MIN_EPSILON = sys.float_info.min

_Self = TypeVar('_Self', bound='DeclineCurve')

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class ParamDesc(): name: str description: str lower_bound: Optional[float] upper_bound: Optional[float] naive_gen: Callable[[RandomState, int], NDFloat] exclude_lower_bound: bool = False exclude_upper_bound: bool = False
[docs]def get_time(start: float = 1.0, end: float = 1e5, n: int = 101) -> NDFloat: """ Get a time array to evaluate with. Parameters ---------- start: float The first time value of the array. end: float The last time value of the array. n: int The number of element in the array. Returns ------- time: numpy.NDFloat An evenly-logspaced time series. """ return np.logspace(start=log10(start), stop=log10(end), num=n, base=10, dtype=np.float64)
[docs]def get_time_monthly_vol(start: float = 1, end: int = 10_000) -> NDFloat: """ Get a time array to evaluate with. Parameters ---------- start: float The first time value of the array. end: float The last time value of the array. Returns ------- time: numpy.NDFloat An evenly-monthly-spaced time series """ return (np.arange(start, end // DAYS_PER_MONTH) + 1) * DAYS_PER_MONTH
[docs]class DeclineCurve(ABC): """ Base class for decline curve models. Each model must implement the defined abstract methods. """ validate_params: Iterable[bool] = [True]
[docs] def rate(self, t: Union[float, NDFloat]) -> NDFloat: """ Defines the model rate function: .. math:: q(t) = f(t) where :math:`f(t)` is defined by each model. Parameters ---------- t: Union[float, numpy.NDFloat] An array of times at which to evaluate the function. Returns ------- rate: numpy.NDFloat """ t = self._validate_ndarray(t) return self._qfn(t)
[docs] def cum(self, t: Union[float, NDFloat], **kwargs: Any) -> NDFloat: """ Defines the model cumulative volume function: .. math:: N(t) = \\int_0^t q \\, dt Parameters ---------- t: Union[float, numpy.NDFloat] An array of times at which to evaluate the function. **kwargs Additional arguments passed to :func:`scipy.integrate.fixed_quad` if needed. Returns ------- cumulative volume: numpy.NDFloat """ t = self._validate_ndarray(t) return self._Nfn(t, **kwargs)
[docs] def interval_vol(self, t: Union[float, NDFloat], t0: Optional[Union[float, NDFloat]] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> NDFloat: """ Defines the model interval volume function: .. math:: N(t) = \\int_{t_{i-1}}^{t_i} q \\, dt for each element of ``t``. Parameters ---------- t: Union[float, numpy.NDFloat] An array of interval end times at which to evaluate the function. t0: Optional[Union[float, numpy.NDFloat]] A start time of the first interval. If not given, the first element of ``t`` is used. **kwargs Additional arguments passed to :func:`scipy.integrate.fixed_quad` if needed. Returns ------- interval volume: numpy.NDFloat """ t = self._validate_ndarray(t) if t0 is None: t0 = t[0] t0 = np.atleast_1d(t0).astype(np.float64) return np.diff(self._Nfn(t, **kwargs), prepend=self._Nfn(t0, **kwargs)) # type: ignore
[docs] def monthly_vol(self, t: Union[float, NDFloat], **kwargs: Any) -> NDFloat: """ Defines the model fixed monthly interval volume function. If t < 1 month, the interval begin at zero: .. math:: N(t) = \\int_{t-{1 \\, month}}^{t} q \\, dt Parameters ---------- t: Union[float, numpy.NDFloat] An array of interval end times at which to evaluate the function. **kwargs Additional arguments passed to :func:`scipy.integrate.fixed_quad` if needed. Returns ------- monthly equivalent volume: numpy.NDFloat """ t = self._validate_ndarray(t) return self._Nfn(t, **kwargs) \ - np.where(t < DAYS_PER_MONTH, 0, self._Nfn(t - DAYS_PER_MONTH, **kwargs))
[docs] def monthly_vol_equiv(self, t: Union[float, NDFloat], t0: Optional[Union[float, NDFloat]] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> NDFloat: """ Defines the model equivalent monthly interval volume function: .. math:: N(t) = \\frac{\\frac{365.25}{12}}{t-(t-1 \\, month)} \\int_{t-{1 \\, month}}^{t} q \\, dt Parameters ---------- t: Union[float, numpy.NDFloat] An array of interval end times at which to evaluate the function. t0: Optional[Union[float, numpy.NDFloat]] A start time of the first interval. If not given, assumed to be zero. **kwargs Additional arguments passed to :func:`scipy.integrate.fixed_quad` if needed. Returns ------- monthly equivalent volume: numpy.NDFloat """ t = self._validate_ndarray(t) t0 = np.atleast_1d(0.0).astype(np.float64) return (np.diff(self._Nfn(t, **kwargs), prepend=self._Nfn(t0)) # type: ignore / np.diff(t, prepend=t0) * DAYS_PER_MONTH) # type: ignore
[docs] def D(self, t: Union[float, NDFloat]) -> NDFloat: """ Defines the model D-parameter function: .. math:: D(t) \\equiv \\frac{d}{dt}\\textrm{ln} \\, q \\equiv \\frac{1}{q}\\frac{dq}{dt} Parameters ---------- t: Union[float, numpy.NDFloat] An array of times at which to evaluate the function. Returns ------- D-parameter: numpy.NDFloat """ t = self._validate_ndarray(t) return self._Dfn(t)
[docs] def beta(self, t: Union[float, NDFloat]) -> NDFloat: """ Defines the model beta-parameter function. .. math:: \\beta(t) \\equiv \\frac{d \\, \\textrm{ln} \\, q}{d \\, \\textrm{ln} \\, t} \\equiv \\frac{t}{q}\\frac{dq}{dt} \\equiv t \\, D(t) Parameters ---------- t: Union[float, numpy.NDFloat] An array of times at which to evaluate the function. Returns ------- beta-parameter: numpy.NDFloat """ t = self._validate_ndarray(t) return self._betafn(t)
[docs] def b(self, t: Union[float, NDFloat]) -> NDFloat: """ Defines the model b-parameter function: .. math:: b(t) \\equiv \\frac{d}{dt}\\frac{1}{D} Parameters ---------- t: Union[float, numpy.NDFloat] An array of times at which to evaluate the function. Returns ------- b-parameter: numpy.NDFloat """ t = self._validate_ndarray(t) return self._bfn(t)
@abstractmethod def _qfn(self, t: NDFloat) -> NDFloat: raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _Nfn(self, t: NDFloat, **kwargs: Any) -> NDFloat: raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _Dfn(self, t: NDFloat) -> NDFloat: raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _Dfn2(self, t: NDFloat) -> NDFloat: raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _betafn(self, t: NDFloat) -> NDFloat: raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _bfn(self, t: NDFloat) -> NDFloat: raise NotImplementedError def _validate(self) -> None: # this will be called by the __post_init__ hook - subclasses should # do any necessary additional validation or caching here pass def __post_init__(self) -> None: self._set_defaults() for desc, do_validate in zip(self.get_param_descs(), self.validate_params): if not do_validate: continue param = getattr(self, if param is not None and desc.lower_bound is not None: if desc.exclude_lower_bound: if param <= desc.lower_bound: raise ValueError(f'{} <= {desc.lower_bound}') else: if param < desc.lower_bound: raise ValueError(f'{} < {desc.lower_bound}') if param is not None and desc.upper_bound is not None: if desc.exclude_upper_bound: if param >= desc.upper_bound: raise ValueError(f'{} >= {desc.upper_bound}') else: if param > desc.upper_bound: raise ValueError(f'{} > {desc.upper_bound}') self._validate() @abstractmethod def _set_defaults(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def get_param_descs(cls) -> List[ParamDesc]: """ Get the parameter descriptions. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- parameter description: List[:class:`ParamDesc`] A list of parameter descriptions. """ raise NotImplementedError
# don't call this in a loop - it's a utility for e.g. test suites
[docs] @classmethod def get_param_desc(cls, name: str) -> ParamDesc: """ Get a single parameter description. Parameters ---------- name: str The parameter name. Returns ------- parameter description: :class:`ParamDesc` A parameter description. """ for p in cls.get_param_descs(): if == name: return p # pragma: no cover raise KeyError(name)
# only exists to satisfy mypy def __init__(self, *args: float) -> None: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def from_params(cls: Type[_Self], params: Sequence[float]) -> _Self: """ Construct a model from a sequence of parameters. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- decline curve: :class:`DeclineCurve` The constructed decline curve model class. """ if len(cls.get_param_descs()) != len(params): raise ValueError('Params sequence does not have required length') return cls(*params)
@staticmethod def _validate_ndarray(x: Union[float, NDFloat]) -> NDFloat: """ Ensure the time array is a 1d arary of floats. """ return np.atleast_1d(x).astype(np.float64) @staticmethod def _iter_t(t: NDFloat) -> Iterator[Tuple[float, float]]: """ Yield a tuple of time intervals. """ t0 = 0.0 for t1 in t: yield (t0, t1) t0 = t1 return def _integrate_with(self, fn: Callable[[NDFloat], NDFloat], t: NDFloat, **kwargs: Any) -> NDFloat: kwargs.setdefault('n', 50) integral = np.array(list(starmap( lambda t0, t1: fixed_quad(fn, t0, t1, **kwargs)[0], self._iter_t(t) )), dtype=np.float64) integral[np.isnan(integral)] = 0.0 return np.cumsum(integral)
[docs]class PrimaryPhase(DeclineCurve): """ Extends :class:`DeclineCurve` for a primary phase forecast. Adds the capability to link a secondary (associated) phase model. """ secondary: 'SecondaryPhase' water: 'WaterPhase' @staticmethod def removed_method(t: Union[float, NDFloat], phase: str, method: str) -> NoReturn: raise ValueError(f'This instance is a {phase} phase and has no `{method}` method.') def _set_defaults(self) -> None: # this is a little naughty: bypass the "frozen" protection, just this once... # naturally, this should only be called during the __post_init__ process secondary = NullAssociatedPhase() object.__setattr__(secondary, 'primary', self) object.__setattr__(self, 'secondary', secondary) object.__setattr__(secondary, 'water', self) object.__setattr__(self, 'water', secondary)
[docs] def add_secondary(self, secondary: 'SecondaryPhase') -> None: """ Attach a secondary phase model to this primary phase model. Parameters ---------- secondary: SecondaryPhase A model that inherits the :class:`SecondaryPhase` class. Returns ------- """ # remove WOR if it exists if hasattr(secondary, 'wor'): object.__setattr__(secondary, 'wor', partial( self.removed_method, phase='secondary', method='wor')) # remove WGR if it exists if hasattr(secondary, 'wgr'): object.__setattr__(secondary, 'wgr', partial( self.removed_method, phase='secondary', method='wgr')) # bypass the "frozen" protection to link to the secondary phase object.__setattr__(secondary, 'primary', self) object.__setattr__(self, 'secondary', secondary)
[docs] def add_water(self, water: 'WaterPhase') -> None: """ Attach a water phase model to this primary phase model. Parameters ---------- water: WaterPhase A model that inherits the :class:`WaterPhase` class. Returns ------- """ # remove GOR if it exists if hasattr(water, 'gor'): object.__setattr__(water, 'gor', partial( self.removed_method, phase='water', method='gor')) # remove CGR if it exists if hasattr(water, 'cgr'): object.__setattr__(water, 'cgr', partial( self.removed_method, phase='water', method='cgr')) # bypass the "frozen" protection to link to the water phase object.__setattr__(water, 'primary', self) object.__setattr__(self, 'water', water)
[docs]class AssociatedPhase(DeclineCurve): """ Extends :class:`DeclineCurve` for an associated phase forecast. Each model must implement the defined abstract :meth:`_yieldfn` method. """ primary: 'PrimaryPhase' def _set_default(self, model: 'AssociatedPhase', name: str) -> None: # this is a little naughty: bypass the "frozen" protection, just this once... # naturally, this should only be called during the __post_init__ process if hasattr(model, 'primary'): primary = getattr(model, 'primary') else: primary = NullPrimaryPhase() object.__setattr__(primary, name, model) object.__setattr__(model, 'primary', primary) @abstractmethod def _yieldfn(self, t: NDFloat) -> NDFloat: raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class SecondaryPhase(AssociatedPhase): """ Extends :class:`DeclineCurve` for a secondary (associated) phase forecast. Adds the capability to link a primary phase model. Defines the :meth:`gor` and :meth:`cgr` functions. Each model must implement the defined abstract method. """ def _set_defaults(self) -> None: super()._set_default(self, 'secondary') # pragma: no cover
[docs] def gor(self, t: Union[float, NDFloat]) -> NDFloat: """ Defines the model GOR function. Implementation is idential to CGR function. Parameters ---------- t: Union[float, numpy.NDFloat] An array of times at which to evaluate the function. Returns ------- GOR: numpy.NDFloat The gas-oil ratio function in units of ``Mscf / Bbl``. """ t = self._validate_ndarray(t) return self._yieldfn(t)
[docs] def cgr(self, t: Union[float, NDFloat]) -> NDFloat: """ Defines the model CGR function. Implementation is identical to GOR function. Parameters ---------- t: Union[float, numpy.NDFloat] An array of times at which to evaluate the function. Returns ------- CGR: numpy.NDFloat The condensate-gas ratio in units of ``Bbl / Mscf``. """ t = self._validate_ndarray(t) return self._yieldfn(t)
[docs]class WaterPhase(AssociatedPhase): """ Extends :class:`DeclineCurve` for a water (associated) phase forecast. Adds the capability to link a primary phase model. Defines the :meth:`wor` function. Each model must implement the defined abstract method. """ def _set_defaults(self) -> None: super()._set_default(self, 'water') # pragma: no cover
[docs] def wor(self, t: Union[float, NDFloat]) -> NDFloat: """ Defines the model WOR function. Parameters ---------- t: Union[float, numpy.NDFloat] An array of times at which to evaluate the function. Returns ------- WOR: numpy.NDFloat The water-oil ratio function in units of ``Bbl / Bbl``. """ t = self._validate_ndarray(t) return self._yieldfn(t)
[docs] def wgr(self, t: Union[float, NDFloat]) -> NDFloat: """ Defines the model WGR function. Parameters ---------- t: Union[float, numpy.NDFloat] An array of times at which to evaluate the function. Returns ------- WOR: numpy.NDFloat The water-gas ratio function in units of ``Bbl / Mscf``. """ t = self._validate_ndarray(t) return self._yieldfn(t)
[docs]class BothAssociatedPhase(SecondaryPhase, WaterPhase): """ Extends :class:`DeclineCurve` for a general yield model used for both secondary phase and water phase. """ def _set_defaults(self) -> None: super()._set_default(self, 'secondary') super()._set_default(self, 'water')
# Must import these here to avoid circular dependency from .primary import NullPrimaryPhase from .associated import NullAssociatedPhase